Electric Racing Life

Global PEV Racing

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Check out the live updates from AUSPEV RACE 1: Cockburn Karts.

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  • eSkate
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rider image

Chloe Fletcher


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Chris Spencer


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Tas Ventouras


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Pete Storto


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Brett Mill


Frequently Asked Questions

Answers to all your questions

What types of rides do you support?

ERL allows anyone with a PEV to sign up, be it an electric skateboard, EUC, eScooter or eBike. Anyone is welcome to record lap times, however each PEV will be categorised by type, so eScooter times are not compared to eSkate times, for example.

I've never raced before - what do I need to know?

Safety comes first! First of all, Electric Racing Life is not encouraging you to ride beyond your abilities, nor to do anything dangerous or illegal in your location. Always abide by the laws and regulations of your place of living and always ride within your limits. Start out slow and focus on your lines - getting the right angles on corners and don't worry about top speed. Review laps of others and see what they're doing to get those times. Wear all appropriate safety equipment and never assume you won't fall because you're only doing something casual or short. Always be prepared and wear your full kit.

I don't want to use your mobile app for recording times, as I prefer to use my own system - how do I do this?

The ERL iPhone app is only as accurate as your phone's GPS and accelerometer and we are aware there are more accurate systems out there. If you want to use your own timing system, we encourage you to do so. You can just upload your own times, and corresponding log files as evidence, which can be reviewed by the community. If you can't upload your own logs - only times - you can do so, but the results will be marked as unverified. We are aware it is possible to tamper with these files, so third party timing verfification will be labelled.

Most racers use Android - why is there no Android App?

Time & Resources. An Android app will be made available, once completed. Put simply, I personally only have an iPhone, so I made that first.

Why are some results unverified?

Some riders will be using third party timing systems and cannot provide evidence of their times. We still let them submit their times - they're just marked as unverified, because there's no way (currrently) to verify them. If there is a way, such as a different race event log of times, we can manually mark them as verified for you, upon request.

Hold up - you mean people can just SAY they got any old time and you'll let them post it?

Yes. There's an element of trust in the PEV racing community and we (currently) would like to believe this is worth something. Such results are marked unverified and, if someone gets a track record of posting unbelievable data, they may have their account limited or results removed from leaderboards, however we want to work on the principle of inclusivity and bringing people together. We will review this policy if it is abused.


If you need to get in touch with Electric Racing Life, you can do so in the form below. We are not a commercial entity, this is simply a labour of love in an individual's spare time, so please don't expect an immediate response.

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